Pet Exams

We are here to provide the care your pet needs.

Schedule Wellness Examinations for Pets

Getting into the habit of taking your furry friends in for annual exams is important, especially for new pet owners. Our pets are an important part of the family, and exams are an excellent way to help your pet stay healthy. Annual examinations are the best way for us to catch changes early on before they become a bigger issue!

We have a couple of tips to help you remember to schedule your pet’s annual exams:

  • Create a calendar alert on your phone at the start of every year.
  • Book the exam on your pet’s birthday or adoption day.
  • Download Pets App and get reminders on your phone for appointment reminders!

Connect with us!

These reminders will prompt you to contact us at Champlin Park Pet Hospital, or whomever your current veterinary professional may be, to book an appointment. If you are curious to know what the annual pet exam cost is going to be for your visit, contact us today so we can provide you with a treatment plan. Pet’s needs vary depending on their age, breed, and lifestyle, so we may bring up recommendations that would be ideal for your pet! Please ask any questions you may have pertaining to the recommendations we provide. We are here to be an educational tool and provide your pet with a great quality of life.

Do Dogs and Cats Really Need an Annual Exam?

The answer is an unequivocal “yes!” Pets age at a faster rate than us, and if they aren’t examined routinely then it could lead to health problems down the road. Dogs and cats can’t communicate ailments the same way we do, and it is often hard to detect health issues without an expert. It is common for many pets to appear healthy but have hidden illnesses.

These exams include services such as:

  • Physical examinations, “nose to tail” evaluations, to assess the overall physical health of your dog or cat.
  • Vaccinations to ensure your pet is up-to-date and fully protected against common diseases/viruses.
  • Annual screenings such as Heartworm and Tick Disease tests, Intestinal Parasite Screening, and Baseline lab work are all tools to help detect any underlying issues your pet may have.
  • Preventative parasite control to protect your pets against worms, ticks and fleas.
  • Monitoring chronic medication usage, and ensure dosage is still accurate.
  • Monitoring any ongoing or chronic health problems with your pets.

What is included within a “nose to tail” examination:

  • Checking for significant weight loss or gain, which can be an early warning sign of disease. We will also evaluate your pet’s diet and nutritional needs, to ensure that their current diet is still appropriate for their lifestyle needs.
  • Assessing your pets’ hips, joints, spine, muscle mass and limbs.
  • Palpating abdomen for abnormal masses or pain.
  • Listening to their chest for heart murmurs, irregular heartbeat and/or abnormal lung sounds.
  • Examining eyes for redness, discharge, cataracts, corneal or iris changes.
  • Examining nose and nasal passages, and abnormal nasal discharge.
  • Examining ears for redness, abnormal discharge, inflammation
  • Evaluating your pet’s mouth, assessing teeth for dental disease, calculus, gingivitis, and assessing gum color.
  • Palpating lymph nodes to check for inflammation or abnormalities.
  • Wellness exams are important for a long and healthy life. These examinations are a good opportunity to ask any questions pertaining to your pet that you may have.

Contact Champlin Park Pet Hospital to book an appointment or for more information on cat and dog wellness exam costs or services.